What to wear in the rain

Sometimes you just want to get out and ride and the weather doesn’t always cooperate. Heck, even if it starts out sunny and beautiful, certain areas are well-known for their abrupt and uncalled for weather changes.

3 most important tip:

  • Grab a friend to go ride with
  • Clothing choice is key!
  • Make it fun! Get Muddy, Take photo and bring your youthful attitude back!

Here are some tips of things you should wear (or pack!) in case of rain:

Things to bring! Don’t have all the latest gear? Check out some of our low-cost ride hacks!

1-Hands – Medical gloves, wearing these over your normal gloves will keep you warm, you can also wear them underneath if you feel like the plastic is slipping

2- Feet — Our coach Tracey uses the produce bags from grocery stores to put over her socks, because we all know there’s nothing worse than having wet socks. Yucky! The dollar store also sells the hand/foot warmer, they come in handy when the chill from getting wet sets in. Great things to have in your backpack!

3- A quality jacket is key – We at Shred Sisters recommend a good gore tex like this one from 7mesh

4- Shorts — ones that go all the way to the knee – if you ride in the rain a lot some clothing brands like 7mesh offer gore-tex shorts as well.

4- Layers — The rain in the Rockies can sometimes be cold, get some long johns to wear underneath your shorts and carry an extra jersey or base layer in case you soak through.

5- Bringing a backpack so you can layer down or up, you will still sweat with more clothing so you may need to adjust – Worried about your backpack getting wet? Check out Osprey’s rain backpack cover!

6- Thermos or camel bag with warm water to keep you hydrated and warm if cold outside

Post Ride!

1- Car seat cover– they sell many different types, or you can also simply bring few plastic bag one for your dirty clothing and a second for sitting on.

2- Bring clothing to change into after your ride–casual, warm clothing and dry is key! If you drove to the location, having a change of clothes will change your driving experience completely!

3- Extra bag for all the dirty clothing

Trail Choice!

Riding in the rain, smart about your trails decision, there are trails that do much better than others when wet. For instance avoid any trails that are clay base, you won’t have any traction and you will create trenches in the trail that water will follow. Trail with more rocky terrain would usually suit better for riding in the rain.

The best part about riding in the rain? YOU’RE OUT RIDING!

More to follow about how to adjust your riding style to wet trail condition Lastly send us a photo from one of your dirty bike ride!

Take a photos and tag us in our social media! It all about getting out! Go get out there!

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